Genesis Concrete provides support services to concrete contractors throughout greater Des Moines . “The Concrete Washout System is a convenient and cost effective way for builders to comply with the EPA mandate to contain caustic washout waste,” stated Charles Colosimo, General Manager of Genesis Concrete. “Every time a concrete truck rinses out, concrete wash water - which is as dangerous as drain cleaner – has the potential to harm fish and wildlife. The CWS solution safely replaces costly and ineffective plastic-lined pits scattered around the job site. We’ve been placing bins on site as quickly as they can be manufactured.”
“We are very excited to partner with Charles Colosimo and his team in providing the CWS solution. Given their background in the concrete industry, we anticipate rapid adoption of our products” said Mark Jenkins, President of Concrete Washout Systems, Inc.
CWS is accepting applications for licensed partners in select markets. All partners fully own and operate independent businesses licensing the patent-pending CWS solution. Currently Concrete Washout Systems has licensed partners operating in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Texas.